Thursday, October 25, 2007

Please Don't Come To Florida

If you are pregnant do the world, yourself, and the NICU's of central Florida a favor and STAY HOME. If you have any hope for the optimal future of your unborn child do not plan a mid-pregnancy trip to Disney World-- it will still be there when the baby is old enough to enjoy it! Once again we have babies in the NICU from northern states. Born 12-15 weeks early these kids are stuck here at a minimum cost of about 4000.00/day (on a cheap day). The cost of returning you and your premature infant to your hometown will far outweigh any deposits you might lose in postponing your trip. And by the way, flying isn't any easier on your pregnant system than driving. We enjoy the influx of tourist dollars into central Florida but please, do us a favor and wait 'til the kid is old enough to appreciate the mouse. The memories of the NICU can be skipped that way.